我们拥有一支专业、素质过硬的经营团队,以丰富的专业知识、严谨的工作作风、热情的服务态度,依托覆盖世界各大主要港口的完善的代理网络,为客户提供出口、进口的全程海陆空联运及拼箱、门到门服务;公司与多家航空公司如TG,CA,CZ,SV,EK等有代理合作,船公司如COSCO、CHINA SHIPPING、OOCL等保持非常紧密的合作关系,尤其是在欧洲、北美等航线拥有独特优势;公司始终追求为客户提供最优惠的价格和稳定的舱位保障。
我们奉行“诚信、合作、专业、敬业”的企业精神,本着“诚实做人、踏实做事”的原则,以打造一个国际知名品牌为目标,竭诚为新老客户提供最佳的物流方案。The warehousing and distribution services are supported by complete state-of-the-art warehouse management software, allowing for RF scanning, bar-coding, inventory status and goods efficiency reports. We constantly measure ourselves against international quality standards and benchmarks in order to provide our clients with the best service standard possible.
Our leading warehousing and distribution management systems can keep our customers track of the cargo effectively and efficiently. They can track their cargo online anytime and anywhere. In distributing, we provide the most professional and cost-effective services.