

« 欧洲南亚等国家运输费国内各大港口到肯尼亚海运(接非危险品普货) »



浙江天拓提供的亚马逊FBA头程服务均在合法正规的前提下操作,全部按照海关的规定清关,只要货物申报信息真实准确,不故意低报货值,不存在扣货的可能性。我们根据客户货物重量,体积,金额,产品上架时间的综合要求,通过海运拼箱,整柜,空运,等物流方式,在本地直接入仓。保证物流成本和充足的上架时间。根据客户自身需求定制个性化服务,一对一跟进服务,专门处理,保证清关速度。所有货物运输环节均可上网追踪。★ certification services: I charge d'affaires certificate, including the certificate of origin, certificate of origin to sign, GSP certificate of origin, free 3C certification, special commodity filing (including paint for the record, paint filing), identification certificate (including entry inspection Quarantine certificate, quality certificate) and so on.

★ customs advice
1, to provide customers with goods HS CODE pre-classified services to reduce the incorrect classification caused by price disputes, clearance speed is slow, for customers to save additional costs;

2, to provide relevant customer policy advice, so that customers master first-hand policies and information so that customers in the import and export trade when the process is more smooth, not because of information behind the increase in unnecessary links, resulting in losses;

3, to help customers apply to the Customs and Excise Department to focus on customs, to solve the scattered claims caused by the classification of controversy, the speed of clearance issues;

4, to help customers and customs to establish a direct dialogue between the channels, when the dispute occurs, you can directly and effectively communicate.




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