海运,专业散货拼箱:可收同行及直客,目的港收费清晰明确,中东、非洲与东南亚市场价优服务佳,可控货及代收费用,与地中海(MSC)、马士基(MAERSK)、达飞(CMA)、阳明(YANGMING)、中海(CHINASHIPPING)、韩进(HANJIN)、中远(COSCO)等合作,可为客户提供港到港、门到门、双清服务。We have a worldwide service network and the sound of branches, the network coverage of each basic seaport and airport in Europe, North America, Japan,Korea, Singapore and Southeast asia. In Europe, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg,Southampton, Genoa, Venice, Felix, Helsinki harbor, Frankfurt; in London, Paris,Milan and other major airport cargo warehousing center; in North America,Losangeles, Chicago, New York, Barr Di Mo, Houston and other seaports; with allagencies directly under companies in Japan, Tokyo Kobe and Singapore, good relationship with shipping company for many years of cooperation and the establishment of world famous, is to provide a strong guarantee the most efficienttransportation, cheapest freight for you! We provide a charter ...